Wednesday, March 21, 2007


It has been a long time indeed, movement in my life has been slow but brusque.

The last time I made my way through the crowds, I lost my cell. Ever since I've avoided traveling in crowded buses. Take a walk they said and so I did. I now choose to walk home right along MG and Richmond road to the crowded streets of Ulsoor.

And yes I've covered some ground in the walk of life too. Am used to the city now, the people, the places, the food,the sights and the sounds. Can claim to manage a house decently doing everything like cooking,cleaning,washing,shopping etc. , the only thing that I am not into (as far as matters of the "house" go) is taking care of kids. Made many new friends in the city, met a lot of nteresting people and watched lots of movies. Work has progressed well and opportunities for pursuing an MBA this July look bright. Yet, some areas need to be taken care of.

An area that I have thought about many a times but reached no conclusion. What is going on in my personal life- am I Confused or pragmatic ? Outspoken or shy ? Wily or gullible ? - I haven't been very successful in categorizing myself. Every time I was confronted with my thoughts I deferred my decision. I tried to decide what would be the qualities my ideal partner would have. I have a strong belief that nobody is perfect including me and was thinking of that one character in someone I love that could wash away all other imperfections. But after not being able to reach a conclusion of any sort, I have stopped trying. I don't know if love at first sight exists but then I don't want to think at length before proceeding. I'll just fall in love with the next amazing lady I come across who can make my heart skip a beat. Some may argue that I might hurt myself in the process, but I guess that's why it's called "falling" in love.

And yes I must mention the story of one such lady I met in my walk of life. But maybe next time.

All is fair in love and war.



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